The Interrupt community comprises engineers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts with a shared passion for hardware and firmware development. We come together to share best practices, problem-solve, collaborate on projects, advance the embedded community, and elevate device reliability engineering (DRE).

The Interrupt Community was created and is moderated today by the founders of Memfault.

Latest Blog Posts

  • What we've been reading in July (2024)

    Here are the articles, videos, and tools that we’ve been excited about this July.

  • GitHub Actions for STM32CubeIDE

    In this article, we will explore how to use GitHub Actions to automate building STM32CubeIDE projects. Eclipse-based IDEs like STM32CubeIDE are often used for developing embedded systems but can be a little tricky to build in a headless environment.

  • Considerations when Building Embedded Databases

    Persisting to flash is a necessary evil for many embedded devices. Let’s take a look at some of the pitfalls and how they may be avoided.

  • A Schematic Review Checklist for Firmware Engineers

    Schematic reviews are a part of the hardware development cycle in many if not most, hardware development companies. Typically led by the electrical engineering team, it is easy to overlook design issues that will be important to the firmware team. This post tells of a few stories of design misses that I have made and puts some common lessons learned into a checklist for other firmware engineers. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a starting point for a firmware engineer to build their own checklist with the goal of helping teams catch software/hardware interaction bugs earlier in the design cycle when they’re cheaper to fix.

  • What we've been reading in June (2024)

    Here are the articles, videos, and tools that we’ve been excited about this June.

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About Memfault

Memfault is the first cloud-based observability platform for connected device debugging, monitoring, and updating, which brings the efficiencies and innovation of software development to hardware processes. Recognizing that any connected device team could benefit from what they were building, François Baldassari, Chris Coleman, and Tyler Hoffman founded Memfault in 2018 with the help of colleagues from Pebble. Try Memfault